You have probably all seen windsocks flying at airports around the world, but did you know they help pilots to determine win speed and direction to make a safe landing? Did you ever wonder how they determined what the windsock should look like? Along with members of Transport Canada and pilots, former Kennedy's President Brenda Broughton was on the design team that came up with the current version. The committee used her knowledge of long lasting and high visibility materials as part of the process.
The design they chose was a five-band red and white windsock. Unfortunately, most airports could not accept the change from orange and white to red and white, and because the colours we so close, Transport Canada did not force the change. But they did accept the change from seven bands to five.
According to Wikipedia, "Each stripe adds up 3 knots to the estimated wind speed. However, some circle frames mountings cause windsocks to be held open at one end, indicating a velocity of 3 knots, even though anemometers would show no wind speed. A fully extended windsock suggests a wind speed of 15 knots (28 km/h; 17 mph) or greater."
Kennedy's makes windsocks in sizes from 12" diameter to 36" diameter and in lengths from 4' to 12', and we have the hardware for mounting too!
There are two types of windsocks: Licenced and unlicenced.
These windsocks are suitable for anyone to use for wind direction. They are available in a variety of colours, red, blue, yellow, orange and green. These are single colour windsocks.
Licenced winsocks are striped and should only be flown on airstrips which are large enough to allow a plane in an emergency situation.
Looking to get one of these high quality windsocks for yourself? Check out our shop page for our sizes and frames to fly them on.
Kennedy Specialty Sewing Limited
9603 Sideroad 17, Unit 6 Erin, ON N0B 1T0